Scrum 提示和资源

1. 产品 Backlog

一些最受欢迎的 Scrum 资源

My Scrum Diagram
Improving Daily Scrums
One Shocking Thing Many Agile Coaches Are Getting Wrong
7 vital differences between Agile adoption and agile transformation
5 Things Management Must Do for Successful Agile Transformation

你应该关注的 Scrum 博客

一般来说,有很多博客与敏捷有关,但很少有专门针对 Scrum 的博客。这些博客始终拥有我所发现的 Scrum 特有的最高质量的内容。

Ken Schwaber – Scrum的联合创建者
Jeff Sutherland (Scrum Inc) – Scrum的联合创建者
Mike Cohn – 《敏捷评估与规划》一书的作者 Blog


这些书是我读过并推荐的,目的是建立对 Scrum 的理解以及良好执行 Scrum 所需的技能。

对于 Scrum Masters

我的 Scrum Masters 阅读列表位于此处: A Scrum Master’s Reading List


The Professional Product Owner
Agile Product Management with Scrum
Product Mastery: From Good to Great Product Ownership


Scrum – A Pocket Guide
Software in 30 Days
Agile Estimation and Planning
Agile Retrospectives
Essential Scrum
The Phoenix Project
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team


Agile Software Development with Scrum (2001)
Agile and Iterative Development: A Manager’s Guide (2003)
Agile Project Management with Scrum (2004)
The Enterprise and Scrum (2007)
Software in 30 Days (2012)


Management 3.0
The Leader’s Guide to Radical Management